A Good Image modesty gown brings a sense of well-being and a spa-like experience to women’s healthcare. It is designed by a breast cancer survivor.
Modesty Gowns for Breast Cancer Patients
A Good Image modesty gown is a proprietary product that is exclusive to J. Stone Promotional Advertising. The modesty gown is a mammography gown intended to be used by women during mammograms, ultrasounds, and other health examinations.
My name is Debra Medeiros. On December 28th 2010 three days before my fifty fifth birthday I received the shocking news that I had breast cancer. I had never been sick a day in my life, nor did I have a lump, or any family history of breast cancer! Dr. Fish from John Muir radiology confirmed that what he saw through an ultrasound was breast cancer. I cried in both my husband Gary and my daughter Amy’s arms. My previous mammograms all came back clear year after year, but this time it was different. My days were rapidly consumed by one medical appointment after another, probing, biopsies, surgery, radiation therapy, and what felt like an invasion into my intimate privacy. My team of doctors at John Muir Health and Diablo Oncology were amazing!

The least comfortable or emotionally nurturing part of the high level of care that I received were the abrasive paper gown or the institutional quality gowns that I was handed on a daily basis. They were what the general public refers to as “ugly blue hospital gowns!”
A Good Image modesty gown brings a sense of well-being and a spa like experience to women at a time in their life when they feel the most vulnerable. I designed my exclusive and patented gown in hopes that something as simple as being robed in a pretty examination gown would help to bring a sense of security and comfort to the patient when facing such a life threatening disease as Breast Cancer.
My Trademark A Good Image Can Save Your Life also sends a strong message of the importance of mammograms, ultrasounds, and other Imaging procedures that detect early stages of Breast Cancer.
Our white plus size gowns are very suitable for men that are facing this life threatening disease too! Whether your patients are visiting your healthcare center for a routine mammogram or the many different treatment programs robe them in an examination gown that is beautiful, soft, and that will create a Good Image for your Breast Health Center.

Wear A Good Image gown to your next heath examination.
See what patients are saying around the country!
The appreciation that we continue to receive from healthcare facilities and their patients is the best reward of all! A percentage of the proceeds are donated to various cancer organizations in hopes that we will someday find a cure once and for all!
These are only a few of our satisfied customers!